


城裡的月光  濟公活佛慈訓 調寄:城裡的月光

Moonlight in the City by Holy Teacher

飛越時空到徒的身旁 我還是宋朝的和尚

Flying through time to be with disciples. I'm still a Song dynasty monk.

葫蘆破扇還繫在身上 我不是天涯在流浪

With bottle gourd, broken fan still in hand. I’m not just meandering in this world.

五湖四海渡迷郎  一點靈犀指引這方向

Saving people everywhere. Awakened by the true self to the Way.

就算路途驚濤和駭浪 師徒同心真理闡揚

Even though frightened by the big waves. Together we propagate the Truth.

古老的月光照今過往 經過多少的板蕩

Ancient moonlight shining across time. Across tumultuous times.

王侯將相是夢想 名利和枷鎖自身困綁

The aristocrats were dreaming. Binding themselves with power and fame.

一樣的月光照著徒郎  未來路邁康莊

The same moonlight shines on disciples. Lighting the path forward.

堅定的心勇前往 讓人生旅程充滿希望

Resolve to go forth bravely. To let life's journey be full of hope.


活佛師尊 慈訓

Holy Teacher's merciful words:

善行莫嫌多 惡行莫染身

Don't think that you've done too many virtuous deeds. Don't be involved in any bad deeds.

順境莫樂極 逆境莫逆志

Don't be overjoyed during favorable conditions. Don't lose resolve during adverse conditions.

當真理面對你時  你也要正面面對真理

When confronted with the truth, face it with a true heart.

    創作者 anne chen 的頭像
    anne chen


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